The Universal Language Of Fitness

I am travelling alone across Malaysia and Singapore at the moment. I’ve kept up with my fitness just as much as I’ve kept up with the cocktails at the bar.

In KL I used the hotel gym as it was decent, I’ve been on a rainforest trek, I’ve climbed 700m above sea level just for the view at the highest point of Penang and I’ve walked everywhere in Singapore because it’s so expensive for a taxi (grab).

I spent 4 days in Langkowi glued to a sun lounger or a yacht  with access to a beautiful beach front gym – I didn’t make it there once. #balance

So I’m a few days off returning home and it’s my second day in Singapore. Unlike the beach resort of Langkowi, I’ve felt a little more isolated in a massive city by myself. This won’t stop me doing anything, I used to live on my own in London, and like London, Singapore is filled with things to do.

However this morning I needed some familiarity, in a city across the other side of the world, this was going to be hard.

Despite having a small hotel gym which was guaranteed to be empty I started googling gyms near my hotel. I find a Fitness First within 10 minutes walk! Result as this is one of my gyms at home!

Not really sure if I have global access on my account nor do I have my FF card on me, I blag my way in for free anyway (bonus) and I suddenly feel this sense of home.

Lots of equipment I recognise, pumping music, other like minded individuals. Regardless of the fact I didn’t know them, I know we all have at this moment in time one thing in common, the desire to train.

At this moment in time language barriers are set aside, your age/sex/nationality is all by the way side because you all know the language of exercise and gym etiquette. There is this silent common respect for one another.

I know a lot of people worry about stepping out of their comfort zone and using a gym they may not be familiar with at home, let alone in a foreign country. I’m telling you now DO IT! It’s liberating and they usually have some banging equipment.

This was better than any FF I have ever been to in England. The changing rooms were exciting enough let alone the gym itself. What’s even better is I hadn’t had coffee since yesterday and there’s a free hot drink and cafe area, which allowed me to sit here and write this email.

So not only have I had a decent workout for free, I’ve had a free coffee, some free toiletries and 2 hours of feeling like I’m not a million miles away from home. All thanks to having an interest in fitness.

If you want to travel and have a plan to follow for days like this drop me a message or visit and learn more about the types of online training I offer.

Lyns xx